Thursday 20 November 2014

Week Three

I experimented with combining textured yarns with formulaic patterns to see if they would create a gravel affect to relate to the imagery I was taking creative information from. In doing this I found that by rotating with yarn I had in the main part of the carriage I could distort the pattern. The textured yarns blend into each other than emphasises that affect.

After starting my knit samples I realised that there is a developing theme of interrupted patterns with in sketch practise and my samples. I feel this is building on the concept of the 'structured and organic'. I had been struggling to build a collection of visuals to base my knitting on because the 'structure and Organic' are broad terms. However, with the idea of creating these formulaic patterns I decided to look at architecture.  I took photographs of modern buildings and staircase structures. which I then manipulated on Photoshop to recreate the patterns and colours in a way that would be beneficial to my knitting. I found the structures inspiring in the buildings because of the layers and patterns they created, this lead me to start an experimental approach to my knitting. I found that the techniques I had learnt from knitting a sock influenced my practise so I decided to create layers of shape onto another knitted sample. I then took the sample further by recasting the knitting on to the knitting machine to divide the dark yarns with strips of brighter colours to relate the colour theme to my photoshop edits. 

Zaha Hadid's Drawings interest me as they are very linear and basic. I am interested in the way she indicates moments of interest by how dense the black block it but also the way she hasn't drawn everything as though she has left that for the viewer to comprehend.


My interpretation of the Negative space on a sky line

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